
About Me

Hello there!

My name is Ishika, and if you’re reading this, thank you for stopping by! I’m excited to share that I have recently decided to embark on a new adventure – a travel blog! As someone who studied philosophy and ended up in a corporate tech job, I wanted to challenge myself by learning new skills and taking on something that I truly love – exploring new places.

Starting a blog has definitely been a challenge, especially as I navigate the world of plugins, domains, and keywords. But despite the learning curve, I’m excited to share my travel experiences and insights with you all. Unlike many travel bloggers who embrace a nomadic lifestyle, I’m here to represent the regular person who yearns to explore the world while keeping up with their responsibilities.

Since I’m based in London, I’ll be sharing a lot of posts about new and exciting things to explore in the city. However, as I continue to travel and discover new destinations, I’ll be regularly uploading my itineraries, budgets, and foodie adventures from all around the globe.

So if you’re looking for inspiration on your next adventure, be sure to check out my menu and discover what’s next on your travel bucket list! Thank you for joining me on this journey – I can’t wait to see where it takes us.
